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Sept 24: On Taemin, Lily's Third, First HM and Others

We have blitzed into the last quarter of the year and I find myself having to recap a month which felt quite busy. - - - Taemin made his Kuala Lumpur the first overseas stop of his world tour and of course, I had to be there. Stage setup aside, I really enjoyed the two hours or so. Deffo one of the better concerts I've ever attended. - - - The next day, Lily turned 3 . My little kiddo is transitioning out of the toddler phase ( sigh! ) and is now able to have conversations with me ( yay! ). Grateful to everyone who showed up to celebrate with us. - - -  The following weekend, I completed my first-ever half marathon . I fared better than I thought I would with a time slightly above 2 hours, possibly aided by a thunderstorm that lasted for much of the race.   The race route itself evoked tonnes of memories. I ran past many buildings and spots that meant something to me. Choosing to do my first HM in my hometown was a great choice. Looking forward to the next one. - - - My brother-in

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