Mar 25: On Aging Quickly

I feel like I have aged years in the past month.

From feeling unvalued at work to awkwardly avoiding a colleague who’s avoiding me, and a lingering back pain that refuses to go away - it has been challenging. 

I often wonder if it's still possible to drop everything and go be a pilot, but the answer is it's too late

Speaking of work, all is not well, but as a person who is famous for going with the flow, I do not intend to lose any sleep over this.

It's not the first time this has happened and it won't be the last, but if it's time to go, I'll bow out with my conscience clear.

But enough of the depressing stuff.

Khayra started school recently. It feels like just yesterday that I was cradling a little kiddo in my arms, but in the blink of an eye she's already big enough to have her own adventures in school.

She's attending her mama's old school, so she's in good company because many of her new classmates are also children of people who used to go there (I swear no one here ever moves out...).

Of courseNot only that, but just a couple of days before school she was a flower girl at the wedding of a cousin who was my wedding's flower girl. Funny how life has gone a full circle-ish.

Switching gears, I have finally achieved my quest to finish a half-marathon under 2 hours. I initially attempted to do it at a night run, but the run was called off because of heavy rain.

Easiest medal I ever got.

But I felt really antsy about having to wait a couple of months before getting another try, so the following weekend I bought someone else's bib off the Internet and did it.

I'll need to start paying Jesse Lingard royalties soon.

Lastly, I've picked up PUBG again. I've never been any good at it and I'm still quite shit at it - but at least this time I can say most of the people I play with are a third my age.

Anyway, with Ramadan now here, it's time for a well-deserved break. Both spiritually and mentally. God knows I need it.



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