Sept 24: On Taemin, Lily's Third, First HM and Others

We have blitzed into the last quarter of the year and I find myself having to recap a month which felt quite busy.

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Taemin made his Kuala Lumpur the first overseas stop of his world tour and of course, I had to be there.

Stage setup aside, I really enjoyed the two hours or so. Deffo one of the better concerts I've ever attended.

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The next day, Lily turned 3. My little kiddo is transitioning out of the toddler phase (sigh!) and is now able to have conversations with me (yay!).

Grateful to everyone who showed up to celebrate with us.

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The following weekend, I completed my first-ever half marathon.

I fared better than I thought I would with a time slightly above 2 hours, possibly aided by a thunderstorm that lasted for much of the race.


The race route itself evoked tonnes of memories. I ran past many buildings and spots that meant something to me. Choosing to do my first HM in my hometown was a great choice.

Looking forward to the next one.

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My brother-in-law got engaged. Happy for him and wish the best for the both of them in the days to come.

A confession: This was the first engagement I've ever attended in my life.

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At the office, we bade farewell to Abang Nal, who is retiring. Although he may be back. Or maybe not.

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And finally, to close out the month, we hung out at our regular spot in Port Dickson.

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That wraps up my post for September! I'm sure there’s plenty more I've missed out, but this will do for now. Here's to making the most of the last three months of the year—time to finish strong and embrace whatever comes next!


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