Jun 24: On Celebrating Birthdays, Father's Day, Family Gatherings and More

June is, of course, a month of many birthdays. My daughter, wife and mother-in-law all completed another circle around the sun.

So there were lots and lots of parties...

...which really drained my social batteries (which have a really low capacity to begin with).

To celebrate, we also took the kids up to Genting. It had been a while since I last stayed, and the place is beginning to feel a wee bit overdeveloped, but we had good fun at Skyworlds nonetheless.

In return, the kids gave me a very nice keychain for Father's Day.

I also had the opportunity to gather with the "extended" family, so to speak. We probably should have taken a photo when our plates were still full, but maybe we'll get it right next time.

On the other hand, another cousin (by marriage) got engaged. I don't have the group photo, but I have other snaps to prove my presnce at the engagement.

I also ran a 15km in June. It wasn't a competitive run so it was a lonely run for the most part. I generally stayed close to a guy for 90% of the run. Any credit for the good timing should go to him. 

Until the next one.


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