May 24: On Bald Puns

I went to a new barbershop this month (it was an emergency) and the lady who was cutting my hair told that the hairs at the top of my head is beginning to thin out. It sort of amused me because my hair has always been as thick (and messy) as a mop.

Then again, aging isn't reversible. 

In better news, I managed to cross off some things I'd been meaning to do for a while: to run during the Car Free Morning and to run back at my hometown (the best city in the world, Ipoh). 

The Care Free Morning was quite enjoyable. Might do it again soon. Might even do it more instead of signing up for runs, actually. Which is somewhat ironic, because...


...I resumed competitive running after a long break for Ramadan, although at my leisurely pace the only person I'm competing with is myself. I've also signed up for a half-marathon later in the year, so I'm quite looking forward to the challenge.

Made a few last stops for Raya. Raya this year felt loooong (even after taking into consideration the fact that Raya is indeed sebulan and all that). Managed to drop by to see some old university friends at their place as well. Happy to see both doing well.

The wife and I went to see some places to consider moving out to but honestly, with all our constraints, it will remain a pipe dream. It's going to be a while before I have some space of my own.

In fact, I'll probably be bald by the time we get there.

Which brings us to another thing that's been making me tear my hair out in frustration - Manchester United. By some divine miracle, we won the FA Cup. It's been an absolute chore watching the team I love at times this season, so I take this as a reward.

As I sign off for now, if you've read up until this point, I don't know why you've even bothered. But I appreciate having you along for the ride. Until next time, take care and stay blessed.


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