Jul 23: On Life Coming a Full Circle

My life has come a full circle as I was recently an assessor for a programme that I myself was a candidate for 15 years ago. It was a humbling experience to be on the other side of the table, and I look forward to seeing some of them as my colleagues in the future. Some of them really impressed me with their preparedness and humility.

Work took me a few places in July. Visited Kota Kinabalu for an engagement with the new boss, then took a road trip to Johor Baru to deliver a briefing. I also spent a week in Putrajaya for a leadership training that offered a refreshing change of scenery. I surprisingly enjoyed the training, which is very unlike me since I tend to be disdainful of leadership trainings.

Outside of work, I went hiking (as always). Tried a new place called Sri Bintang, which was near home. Surprised by the amount of people there and it was more challenging than I thought it would be, but it will probably be remembered most for being the first time I ever hiked in the rain.

And of course, we went to Kemensah again.

And I also found time to run. I've actually signed up for a fair few of these over the course of the next months so maybe you'll soon read about my runs instead of hikes.


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