I think if we all took off our rose-tinted glasses for a bit, we'd realize that neither Rafizi Ramli nor Khairy Jamaluddin won the debate.

If we based the debate purely on style and finesse, then I'd go ahead and plump for KJ as the victor, but what really struck me was how little both men were actually interested in talking about the topic at hand, which was 'Pemansuhan PTPTN & Hala Tuju Pendidikan Tinggi' (Abolition of PTPTN and the Direction of Higher Education').

I reckon every time one of them started to speak, the first two sentences were about PTPTN, and then poof! Lari topik. Shahrizat Jalil, Tajuddin Ramly, toll fares, oil royalty, who's the better accountant, etc. etc. etc.

S'matter of fact, the debate degenerated into a contest to see which side of the political divide would waste less of our money.

Maybe next time, don't confine them to a single topic? Just let them go at it so they can talk about their Greece, Finland and even Burundi, Botswana and Seychelles if they so wished to...


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