How Can This Be?

As I approach my ninth year as contributor to the Malaysian labour force, it's really beginning to irk me that I've literally only ever had two roles throughout my time in the company.

I know what you're thinking.

In the intervening years, I've had a mate join the company, resign, join again, resign once more and emigrate.

Truth is, as a relatively happy-go-lucky (?) kinda guy and like everything else in my life, I have no idea how I got here.

I spent the first five and-a-half years getting chewed up by geo-scientists on an almost daily basis while the past four-ish years have been spent looking at stuff no one else wants to look at.

The only reason I bring this up now is because I appear to have hit a brick wall career-wise.

I get the distinct impression that no one quite knows where to place me because I don't appear to have the skill set required (and that's probably truth to that).

I know... I know...

The theologians among you will be saying "be thankful you have a job at least".

And I am.

Please don't be one of those bastards who conflate frustration with ungratefulness. 

Just consider this a sub-par effort at practicing the second step of whatever the hell it is this article is recommending.

And just like that, I'm already less frustrated and feeling ready to conquer the world at work tomorrow (no, not really).


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