Gen X, Gen Y, Baby Boomers

I wonder if some of the older people I'm privileged enough to work with reflect on their day before they go to bed at night. Because if they did, then it's hard to see how they can't realize what absolute dicks (pardon the language) they've been throughout the day.

One of the first things I learnt when I started work was to never argue with bosses even if they're wrong. This is especially important in a company which prides itself on being a multinational (with a global mindset) but is quasi-governmental (with a very governmental mindset) in reality.

I would say it's part and parcel of what one needs to in order to adhere to the unspoken social hierarchy that exists (as it does in most other government organizations).

Having said that, not arguing with bosses is a principle that I can live and abide with.

It's only fair I give bosses their due respect, since they've put up with their share of shit while they were coming up the ranks.

But when my name is dragged through the mud when shit happens, then things get really personal. Or at least, I make it personal.

Age is no excuse for ignorance. And youth is no excuse for incompetence.

If you're shit, at least have the balls to say so.

If you don't, then at least have the sense to shut up.

This has only strengthened my conviction that if I ever am overwhelmed by the new policies or technologies that will inevitably creep into my work some day, I shall retire to Cameron Highlands, plant cabbages and live a happy life.

Then at the very least, I can sleep peacefully without feeling I have wronged someone.


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