
I'm thinking we should get Tony Abbott to organize a huge demonstration in down-town Sydney. Say one of about 10,000 people?

Then we'll send Ibrahim Ali over to join in.

If Gillard rolls out the red-carpet for Ibrahim, now that's democracy.

You lot don't worry about us. You just do your part first.

Nuff said.

Having said that, I wonder our Government created all the fuss about Nick Xenophon. They should've just let the bugger in and avoid all the bad publicity. The guy really is a joke.

God knows what his issue is with our country's "human rights". Not perfect, true, but it's hardly the worst in South-East Asia.

So what (or who) made him randomly pick our country? Did he just wake up one morning, look at a map of the world, point to Malaysia and make it his lifelong commitment to improve the rights of people here? Please.


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