5 Things I'll Do Post-MCO

19 days into our Movement Control Order period and I'm already looking forward to some of the things I want to do once this is over (which is most likely in May, I reckon).

5) Get a Ramly burger

4) Get myself a haircut
My regular barber uncle's results are wildly erratic. Sometimes it's nice, sometimes it's not but either result is still better than what I currently look like

3) See my mother
I miss my mom

2) Take a break from the in-laws
Believe me being stuck in a house with your in-laws is mentally exhausting. Only people who live with their in-laws can relate.

1) Complete 10,000 steps a day
This is the longest stretch I've gone without completing 10,000 steps in a really, really long time. I know it doesn't really mean anything for my health but it's one of the few things I try to keep to if I can.


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