Malaysia's Premier E-Payment System

If you're Malaysian, you probably already know that Touch & Go isn't exactly famous for good service (see here, here and here).

And why would they provide good service? They are a monopoly indirectly owned by the government through a bank with a dodgy reputation for e-services themselves (see here and here). This basically gives them free reign to do whatever shit they want because, hey, we'd still have to put up with them.

Here's my experience with them.

I got in touch with Touch & Go on July 3 and was promptly told that I would be attended to within 48 hours (which is in itself already bloody slow).

Anyone want to guess how long it took for them to get back to me?

48 hours? Nope.

4.8 days? Nope.

48 days? Nope.

The answer is 4 months, 14 days because I received a reply from them yesterday.
That's not even the dumbest thing of it all. My original question to them was how to go about printing the transaction history for their RFID stickers. Their reply basically says it expired last month.


Thankfully, on this occasion, I found the answer to my query via another channel. And don't get me wrong, I'm actually sort of glad they even bothered replying, but one can't help but wonder at the sheer scale of that influx of emails they are receiving. If that many people have that many problems, maybe they're better off just not being in business?


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