
The company I work with organizes its staff into "tiers". I shan't go into specifics but the way it works is if the job you do is important to the company you fall in the top tier. Conversely, if the job you do could be carried equally well even if you were substituted by a monkey you fall in the bottom tier.

I fall in the third tier.

But that's not really a problem. Since I didn't study hard when my momma told me to this is about all I'm fit to do.

However, since my job requires me to provide all sorts of clerical services to those wondrous top tier people, I occasionally come across some very pompous pricks.

A big example of this would be an email I received a few days ago. I had accidentally overlooked a request to change a small detail in a system (a process which takes 2.2 seconds). The right email for this situation would have been something like:

"I would just like to remind you about my request to change XXX".

But the email I got sounded something like:

"I emailed a few weeks ago but you have not done what I asked you to. Care to enlighten me why?" 

I would have loved to reply:

"Fuck you and your enlightenment"

But I said something which sounded like:

"I've done as you requested. Sorry"


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