Got royally screwed by one of our training vendors today, which convinces me even further that I'm in the wrong line of work. The correct corporate response in that situation would have been to apologize profusely and promise it wouldn't happen again, but since this shit storm was more-than-partially of his own making, all I can say is, good riddance.

If one is vague with the details, one will get vague results.

Seriously though, there must be a more gratifying job out there than to do this. There's only so much one can take of sitting down every friggin' day either:
a) counting the number of training courses attended by nearly 500 staff (most of whom, quite frankly, don't give a shit about training)
b) taking calls from frustrated system users wondering why the system is shit (all of which, quite frankly, isn't my bloody problem)
c) getting an earful from bosses wondering why their staff have yet to complete certain training courses despite having been in the company for 87,000 years (which, quite frankly, I don't care since I wasn't here 87,000 years ago and I don't have the power to force them to go even if I were around)


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