Week of Significance

Even though the previous week has been a touch miserable, it was significant for two reasons. One, I officially graduated from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, bringing to a close a four-and-a-half year journey that was filled with a lot of experiences - both good and bad.

We both work at the same office, but this is the first time I've ever seen him
Obviously, if I wanted to thank everybody that needed to be thanked for various reasons throughout my stay in UTP it would take up a ginormous amount of time. However, it would be an injustice if I didn't at least reserve special mention to the person who got me into it in the first place, so thank you Momma! If she hadn't forced me to apply for it five years ago, I would never have done it.

Secondly, following a brief presentation to my department yesterday, I have been tentatively confirmed in my position as an executive at work. The first major milestone in my career!

Other than those two events, the past seven days have been an absolute nightmare, but that's a story for another place and time. Til the next post, I bid you farewell.


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