Hello World! (Again)

I should write blog more.

I found myself in the odd position of having to point to my blog as evidence of my "writing" a couple of days back.

And that was a lie.

I'm aware I'm no Karim Raslan but it's been a long time since I've put anything worth reading up here. The deterioration in terms of wit and sarcasm has been plain for all to see - which is saying something since I never had a lot of wit and sarcasm in the first place - but the fact remains that I should blog more if only to prove to myself that I have a wider range of emotions than the three modes I exhibit to the people around me on a day-to-day basis: grumpy, crazy and quiet (or sometimes all three at the same time).

Thus, I promise to try to make a little more effort for the remainder of the year to at least log on to this blog and try to write something. Since I'm already 30, I should have tonnes of content to fall back on despite my preference to avoid people by lying flat on my arse on most weekends and days off.

Plus, imagine the satisfaction I'd get the next time I casually throw in my blog's name when someone asks me for samples of "writing".


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